Monday, July 28, 2008
How long does it take a heart to mend?
Little bird is gone...hard to believe. It's such a blessing to have an experience that despite the sadness, you wouldn't change it.
The children are, well, children who just had their baby bird die.
God has filled my heart with perspective, although he is going to be greatly missed by all.
God is faithful!
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.- The answer to the question is 5 hours. 5 hours later my girls came scurrying in with squeals of delight with another baby bird in hand. My heart is going to take a little longer. Isn't God good, they certainly saw it as His grace and provision. Thank you Jesus...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Why is waiting so hard?
I've thought a lot about waiting today. Our bird is still here, although we don't for how long. It's been a day of waiting and although the life or death a bird is really a minor in life, I know that today it has felt like a major in the Thomas household, particularly for our children.
People wait all the time, they always have. Abraham waited for a promised child, Jacob waited for the woman he loved, Moses waited for the promised's nothing new. Nothing that is special to our culture or our time.
Recently I've watched two families wait in similar circumstances. One family has waited with worry, stress, and tears. The other has waited with steadfastness, faith, and assurance of God's sovereignty. The first families wait doesn't go any faster, make God move any quicker, or change the situation in any direction. I want to be like the second.
Jesus waited for the cross...I need to brainstorm right now at how He did as I know this second family wants to be just like Jesus. He spent time with God, He took others with Him, He was honest with God even asking God to take the cup, He trusted in God's timing (I often just want to rush things). These are good things for me to think about tonight.
I am grateful for the little bird, even if he dies tonight. I know God will use this in our children's lives to prepare them for whatever may come. I want them to be prepared, so I know I need to be patient and trust Him in just how He knows best to do this.
It's been a hard day that included ups and downs, both were great opportunities to teach our children.
I'm going to share two pictures tonight that I sent to Ed in Guam (He's been there this week helping with the B-52 crash that took lives of our Airman...see I told you baby birds are minors even when they feel like majors.) The first is of our daughter, tears and all, when we really saw the bird going down hill and thought he was almost gone:
Poor thing, her heart is breaking and her mother is taking pictures. I just couldn't help myself as I so wanted to capture her tenderness. She was very understanding.
The second, a little comic relief, sometimes I think I'm so funny. This one I emailed to Ed so he could see what we were having for dinner:
He emailed back: "showed the NCO's (non commissioned officer) here the picture of dinner...they said, "that's just wrong,"...I ate a fiber one bar for dinner last night."
I just wanted to guarantee that my man was getting on that plane tomorrow. He'd swim home for my food!
By the way, I know in my own life waiting is hard just simply because I do not trust Him like I should. Do I live like I believe that He knows what's next? I certainly want to...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Are you not much more valuable than they?
Well, here it is, the following Wednesday and God still knows what is next. I'm so grateful for this simple truth.
Our baby bird has been a sheer delight. Being that we've had birds in the past I knew birds really had their own personalities (I didn't know this until we were looking into our first). I'd never thought about wild birds being the same way. This little Trooper LOVES to be with us, he gets very excited about eating, he does not like to be put to bed, and he thinks his swing is the greatest.
This morning I woke up to a very sad fourteen year old as she knew something was gravely wrong. Trooper was not ecstatic to see her and had no interest in food. We've nursed this little one all day and were able to get him into the vet this evening. Trying to get an appointment seemed like an act of Congress in of itself. The vet started him on an antibiotic and gave him a chance of 50/50. He was more cheerful tonight than he's been all day, we'll just have to wait and see.
When I googled birds in scripture it came up with 129 entries. Matthew 6:26 says "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?".
We've had such a privilege of having another one of God's creations in our house this week and it has certainly reminded me of our creator. So until the morning, I'm just so grateful that God already knows.
Today I've seen how God cares for birds yet the question rings over and over in my mind, "Are you not much more valuable than they?".
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Friday, July 18, 2008
What's next you say?
Well, I never seem to know what's next.
When Wyatt runs in and out quietly, I know something's happening. I didn't take great notice when he left with Propel, but I did notice when he had on Ed's aviation gloves. There was a baby bird who looked like he'd been attacked by a bigger bird and needed Wyatt's help.
Apparently he's a Bulbul. He is the funniest little thing. It's amazing how much he wants to be with us. The girls are loving every minute of nesting and mothering this little guy (or gal). He's so ugly you have to adore him.
I'm so grateful that God always knows what's next...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Monday, July 14, 2008
How do you spend your time in Hawaii?
How do we spend our time in Hawaii? I always have plans and dreams of the way things are going to go. Sometimes God lets these unfold, but most of the time He has a better plan.
After we started settling in I had great plans to work on photo albums, scrap books, make master plans for next years school and frolic at the beach. School planning has happened, although is certainly not complete, and we've been to the beach...but God had other plans for our time.
My parents have taught me in word and through their actions that we love whoever God brings. Sometimes it's hard and sometimes it's easy...this time it's been a pure delight!
Ariane Neyland was mentioned in my first blog. She and her family, Allen and Alex, live in Guam where they are stationed with the Air Force. David and Tricia Boles called us to tell us that she was coming to Hawaii due to a high risk pregnancy. Allen and Alex were here for the first month but then had to head back to Guam.
Ariane is an amazing woman who has lived through things I can't imagine. She was born in Uganda, spent early years in her country of Rwanda, and moved to France at 12 when her father passed away. Ariane has a mother with a deep faith, 11 siblings, speaks 8 languages, has lived in 7 African countries, 5 European countries, California, and now Guam. She worked for the United Nations translating and came to America on a program where she could get her Masters. When they told her she had to improve her English in order to stay, she marched herself to the local gas station where she volunteered. She volunteered 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 2 years in order to learn better English. A year later she had worked her way up quickly at Chevron and was a territorial manager for Northern California. She has a joy that only comes from Christ and it affects everyone she comes in contact with. Ariane is like a beautiful flower as she draws people to herself and exudes color, fragrance, and grace to all who come.
We've had the priveledge of loving Ariane and jumping on to ride her roller coaster of this pregnancy. Our time in Hawaii has been filled with hospital rooms, waiting rooms, running errands and driving out one more time to the hospital. During these times we've seen Mrs. Neyland love and minister to a hospital staff, share her many stories from such different cultures, stand firm her relationship with Jesus, and love our children. The night her husband and son left she told me, "I told Jesus, well, here we are, there's an extra bed over there, but I need you in this bed with me."
I'm amazed at how well she knows our children. She doesn't seem to miss a thing in life and through her observations and time spent with them could sit down and give you a very accurate portrait of them all. The week before she gave birth they were all able to have their own day with Mrs. Neyland at the hospital and were hopeful for another before she left. I have no doubt that all four will look back in life and be able to see a strong influence in their own hearts from this dear woman.
God has been good to us all. His provision is always complete. His ways are always best. We are never alone. His timing always perfect. He loves us more than anyone and He loves our children more than we do. We don't begin to understand His love, but we have just a little more of an idea after we've walked through something like Ariane has walked through. Our family understands just a little bit more by watching.
I look forward to seeing all that God has in store for Adam Neyland because God has placed him here against so many odds. His middle name means "warrior of God" in his mothers native tongue. Adam Neyland, may God bless you in ways that I can't even dream of at this time in your life. May you glorify our living God with every breath. I know that by His grace, you will live up to your name. Our God has spared your life, now He will sustain it!
Allen, your wife and son have given us so much more than we've ever received. I hate all that you have missed and am grateful this journey is almost over for you. It's been a treasure to my heart to watch you love them.
Ariane, words could never express my heart. Thank you my friend, my world will never be the same because of you...
So next time you are at the gas station and meet someone working on their English...give an extra smile and a word of encouragement. Love whoever He brings my friends...the blessings have been rich and the fellowship has been sweet. Yes, Mother and Daddy were right, we love whoever He brings...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Saturday, July 5, 2008
How do you describe a year such as this?

Dear family and friends,
What a do you describe a year such as this?
Just when we thought an Iraq assignment was truly going to happen, Ed came home and said, "So what would you think about Hawaii?. Six weeks later we were on a plane.
It was bittersweet. Ed's job had been extremely intense so I was grateful for a change of pace, but we'd never left family. Grateful for where God had had us, but hopeful for where He was taking us. A mixing bowl of emotions...through it all my heart cried out...God is good...
God was good when He went ahead in preparing us for this move.
God was good when my dear sister and sweet friend Tonia Shaw dashed over when they found out there had been a mix up and the movers for our storage had come two days early. They came with Diet Cokes in hand (for me) ready to do anything I asked.
God was good when He provided friends and family to make this move happen. They loved us, fed us, cared for our children, repaired our wall, picked up our new computer, prayed for us, carried away our Goodwill items, threw us special parties, took our pictures...the list goes on and on, yet is not complete. We could not have done it without them as they were truly God's provision.
God was good when the Air Force was able to route our tickets to Hawaii through Dallas and Denver which allowed us to spend time with all four grandparents.
God was good when Caroline's Math class transferred easily over to The Potter's School.
God was good when our nieces hugged me again and again promising they'd miss us.
God was good when He put Jeff Dunn in my husband's life 17 years ago
God was good when Jeff was already TDY and was able to spend half of our weekends with us before we left.
God was good when we were able to spend a day in New York City as a family after we moved out of our house. We were ready for the cold, but did not have shoes for the snow.
God was good that we did not catch pneumonia due to our wet feet.
God was good when He let us stand on our porch in New Jersey and have our picture made with our four children. We'd miscarried when we were there and we didn't know how God's plans would unfold. AND YES, Ed is working on the phone.
God was good when He gave such a great church family to miss.
God was good when He let us make our first flight. We thought we had allowed for enough time yet due to extra traffic and the fact that there is not an exit to Reagan from the HOV lane (I said there was) we could have missed it.
God was good when my husband and sister were loving despite my bad call.
God was good in allowing us to see people that we love along the way.
God was good when we were able to celebrate Ed's 40th birthday with his parents.
God was good when David Leigh and his family ate cake with us. Ed has known David since the 1st grade.
God was good when He taught Grammy to make sweet and sour chicken.
God was good when He gave me in laws that would welcome our friends to come and spend the day with us. Between the three families (including ours) there were 14 children. Major was a little concerned and pleasantly surprised.
God was good when He gave us both parents who always open their homes and hearts to our family.
God was good when our children were cheerful despite plane delays (well, three out of four). I'd never taken a nap in the Dallas Airport.
God was good when we didn't share the virus Jefferson had with the Baker's and my parents.
God was good when the Baker's said they still wanted us to come back in the future.
God was good when my father cheerfully ran errands such as gathering paper towels, water and trash bags while I cleaned vomit off our son in the cold at a gas station.
God was good when I caught the virus and was forced to stay home, rest, and catch up on the finances of the move. God often gives me refreshment in the strangest of places.
God was good when my mother was there to take care of me.
God was good when He allowed Chief to teach his youngest grandson to ski.
God was good when He let me eat at Chili's in the Los Angelos Airport with my husband and four children.
God was good when we were met by the Smith family at the Honolulu Airport. The Smith's have now given us smooth transitions to Montana and Hawaii.
God was good when He provided us a house.
God was good when helped us make our TLF (temporary lodging facility) a home for 3 months
and five days, while we waited for our house.
God was good when He used this time to draw us more to Himself and one another.
God was good when He allowed us to share one toilet for three months.
God was good when He caused our children to see that more than one toilet is a luxury (Lord, please don't teach them that any toilet is a luxury).
God was good when four families from our church had plans to come to Hawaii way before we did.
God was good when we were able to trust Him while Ed was gone for two TDYs (military word for business trip).
God was good when He helped me choose to not be mad at my sweet husband for dropping me off on an island and leaving me.
God was good when He provided a way for Ed to go to Shaw Dunn's graduation.
God was good when He let us have a victorious end to our crazy school year (I also had surgery in the fall).
God was good when He put others in our lives who caused us to look more at Christ and less at ourselves. Meeting and loving Mrs. Neyland will be something that our children will never forget.
God was good when He provided new orthodontist, dentist, hair stylist, piano teachers, voice teachers, and violin teachers (I can't wait to see what God is going to do in this woman's life...she's a special one to say the least).
God was good when He gave my husband such fantastic people to work with.
God was good when He put a mango tree in our yard.
God was good when He gave us THREE toilets.
God was good when...did I say that He was good...
Lord, you are always good. Please forgive me for not always seeing it. Please help me to see it more often. Thank you for every inch of provision this year!
Did I mention we are going snorkeling in the morning?
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops