Thursday, March 25, 2010

I know that you can do all things; no plans of yours can be thwarted...Job 42:2

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How blessed am I?

Dear family and friends,

I was loved by my grandfather, I am loved by my father, I am loved by my man, and I have two sons who also love me. How blessed am I?

Lord, thank you for four generations of men in my life who love you!

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops

Jefferson and Mommy off to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...what a great date night with a fantastic young man!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Are friends like children?

Dear family and friends,

I would love to blog daily, wouldn't that be fun! My blog runs twofold; to share what is going on with friends and family and to have a great record for our own family someday.

Since I've last blogged...let me get my calendar. We've had two different sets of company for dinner, the children went away for a weekend on a retreat with All Soul's Langham place, we've been out to dinner with two other families, spent six days in Paris, had lunch at another friends house, celebrated our oldest daughter's 16th birthday, visited the Duke of Wellington's house, and spent the evening on St. Patrick's day with my very favorite Irish woman. Okay, she is the only Irish woman I know, but I have no doubt that if I knew thousands of Irish women, she'd still be my favorite.

Yesterday I had such a delightful surprise in the late afternoon. Have you ever had a friend that you haven't physically met? It's a little crazy having a friend that you've never even seen their face. It's a special thing, I think, as you have a different opportunity to see their heart.

My new friend is the wife of one of the gentleman that we're having the honor of getting to know at Ed's school here in London. I have great respect for this woman for many reasons. One of which is the sacrifice their family is making for the future of their country. They remind us of a modern day John and Abigail Adam's; putting aside their own needs and desires for something much bigger than themselves.

So yesterday a husband was sent, with great love, to share something with a new friend.

He was so charming saying, "First I must attend to my responsibilities." He represented her so very well.

Aren't they delicately beautiful. I hope you can someday see them in person in my home as pictures don't do them justice. She bought them in Iran five or six years ago, and she choose me. She gave them to me!

Farzana, thank you for blessing me in this special way. I can hardly wait to put my arms around your neck in the near future. Until then, I think of you everyday and have such amazing reminders in my living room. Don't you think that friends are like children? Your heart always has room for more. God created our hearts to love and I'm so grateful.

Love in Christ,

Off to take a quick nap as Jefferson and I have a date tonight to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on stage. Tomorrow night we're having a 16th birthday party for Caroline and Saturday night I'm making Mexican food for the kind family from Saudi Arabia. Their children like to go to Chili's in Saudi so my Tex Mex will have to suffice for all of us until we return to our respective countries. Paris pictures will have to wait until Sunday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What does this day entail?

Dear family and friends,

I feel in many ways that I've slayed a giant!

We have been in the throws of trip planning which takes an enormous amount of time. A great opportunity to trust God. You would think we have an army rather than four children. Making reservations for four is an enourmous struggle while remaining in our budget. God has been very gracious.

I now have train tickets/secured apartment for Paris next week. A motorcoach reserved for Ed's two weeks off in April so we can drive to our hearts content in Great Britain and see all the history we want. I promise you a picture of our children on Hadrian's wall!

New friends are including the children and I in a trip to Morocco in June and all I have to do for that one is write a check and show up with bags that aren't overweight and with children that are cheerful. I have a fantastic luggage scale thanks to mother and a faithful Saviour who's doing exciting things in all of our lives. So hopefully the second will also be possible! Stress always reveals the sin in our hearts and traveling always has a certain amount of stress until we really get rolling.

So, running to Sainsbury (my local grocery), math, Bible time (next), conferencing papers for our books (middle children), inviting Italian boy over to play with Jefferson on Saturday, parenting, preparing for our guest who's coming for dinner, and I need to get make my bed and get dressed. Pray I can honor God every step today. I want to honor Him in the enourmous, the miniscule, and all the life inbetween!

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops

New computer on the way. Our old one overheated last week so I'm limited on sharing pictures until it shows up. My sweet man ordered me a RED one! I'm not sure that should be as exciting as it is...a RED one...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Remember my new "short" goal?

Dear family and friends,

I'm about to go and fall into bed.

Dear friends took the children out to dinner and home for games on Sunday night so Ed and I could have a little prebirthday celebration. It was the first time since October that we were alone in our own home. What a treat!

The children had a blast. Maggie and Rick Coleman are amazing friends that we look forward to knowing for a long time.

Tonight we were invited to the home of a Saudi Arabian Naval officer. His wife and seven children were delightful. The feast was amazing, the conversation stimulating, and the hospitality was unwavering.

Can I just tell you how grateful we are to have a telephone? Just want to keep thanking God publically for that one!

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops