Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dear family and friends,

I can't tell you how much I miss my man! It's been over two weeks with over a week to go. I know this amount of time is menial compared to other families so I hate to even say it publicly. On the other hand, wouldn't it be sad if I didn't miss him horribly.

I'm cleaning up my computer a little this morning and have come across pictures that I love...

Yes this did make my heart go pitter pat last August! One of the most fantastic emails I've ever gotten from my man! A month later it was Wyatt's lunch with Dad month and they apparently played a little dress up. I'm amazed at how much Wyatt's maturing and these pictures just shout it. Nothing like playing dress up with your Dad on a school day:

For the first time I feel like I have a foot in each world. Preparing for Alaska, but enjoying every moment of London. Our environment is constantly changing this year, but we have been together, in wonderful places I might add. I wonder what I'll be doing on June 17th next year?
Wyatt and I had our date last night to the theatre...we saw War Horse and it was AMAZING! The most top notch show I've seen here yet.
We are finishing up Math and trying to wrap up our school year. This is where I'm really having to trust God. I know He's provided a year of a lifetime for my children, yet I struggle with what traditional school must be accomplished.
Hope this finds you all, love, from The Thomas Troops!
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops