Dear family and friends,
It's incredibly quiet here on 3rd street today. Three at camp, one little one sick in bed, and my sweet man traipsing across the Pacific. He's going to cover over 7000miles this week which is almost CRAZY.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to play with my dear friend, Sharla Smith. One of my life, lunch, move and a little shopping in between. I'm relatively easy to please. I'd never done it and I'd always wanted to. It was a great day of relaxation, fellowship, and fun.
It's funny though as much as everyone has talked about me having a week off, which is true in so many ways, on Sunday afternoon God made me clearly aware that I'd be fully engaged. After the children had been dropped off I had a 45 minute drive back which was a precious time to spend with Jesus. It was during these moments that I knew my impact would be different, my job altered, yet just as important.
I've had the privilege of praying. This is a role my parents take very seriously as parents/grandparents and this week God is giving me a little peek what they do for us and the time they spend with Him.
I have one at camp who was quite apprehensive to be there, yet willing to trust us that this is where God wanted her firmly planted for the week. This morning Sharla went up to grab one of hers that needed to run to the doctor and was able to do a little recon. I am so excited and encouraged to know that all the campers are doing great and they were very excited to share not just the fun and games, but what they are learning! (THANK YOU JESUS!!!)
I'm sure I've said this before here, but again, why am I ever surprised by God? The past three days He's had me in Romans 12...this morning I was ready to move on and He impressed upon my heart, no Romans 12. I read it three more times...soaking it in. Clinging to it. "Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not CONFORM any longer to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will - His good, pleasing, and perfect will."
Do you know where this is going? What are they talking about this week at camp...not conforming to the world. There they are right in Romans 12 along with their mother. God has us all there this week and He doesn't need me to do it!
We just read it together last week and spent time talking and praying about verse 10...honoring others above yourselves. Something all six of us are still working on.
So here I am this week, enjoying my calling, being their mother. I have no business taking a week off even if I do get a little break from routine. As I was driving my litter (Kate rolls her eyes at this phrase we've been using for so long...our first three came so quickly that when they were little they seemed like a litter) to camp I couldn't pull my mind off the fact that in six years from now all three of them will be at college. I can't afford to take a week off...the stakes are too high, these children are too important, they are so loved and treasured.
I'm understanding my mother a little more this week...I'm so grateful for her. I want to be a better mother, I want to trust Jesus more, I want to depend on myself less. Maybe this week is more for my growth than the way, my lack of faith is why I'm surprised.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops