Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So what did y'all do?

Dear family and friends,

Being together with people you love dearly, a privilege, not a right.

We loved every moment with Mother and Daddy, it went way too quickly, as we knew it would.

We had the thrill of showing them the things we love dearly on this island...the God created view and God given relaxation at Bellows, watching the boys come in on the waves again and again and again, walking along the channel that leads to Pearl Harbor, and bike rides with one fast pup in the morning while the beautiful scenery passes by.

We were able to do things we'd do anywhere we live...sneak away for an evening with just the adults albeit we don't always have as beautiful a sunset to share, grill chicken and eat Lisa Russ's rolls, sit in Ed's office, and share the love and delight of our children. Grandparents are a special thing, not enjoyed by all in the world, yet certainly treasured here.

We had the blessing of the not so common...watching aircraft carriers float down the channel with over sixty planes on deck while sailors lined it like lights in their crisp white uniforms. We were able to personally tour it with friends several days later.

Pearl Harbor has found a special place in our hearts: the history, the hero's, the fallen. I'm amazed regularly that the house we live in was standing that day. If the family that lived here was home that early Sunday morning I can only imagine they clamored together in our storage closet as is the largest place with no windows. Mother and Daddy ski with a man who is a Pearl Harbor survivor...Herb defended our country that day.

Daddy was given a chance of a lifetime as he was able participate with a group of community leaders as he has certainly been one. They flew off of Hickam to run and catch up with the USS Reagan. The Reagan was just passing by and never stopped in Hawaii. They landed on the aircraft carrier being quite grateful for that tail hook, only to be catapulted off four hours later after enjoying a full tour and lunch. Apparently standing on deck watching planes land and take off was quite surreal in the Pacific that day.

Mom and Dad came in on Tuesday and by Saturday night I thought I might be coming down with something. Sunday continued down the road I didn't want to be on and my Monday I felt quite slow and crummy. Wednesday night I took to bed and didn't come up for air until Sunday. I was just so grateful my parents were here with my family...it didn't even matter.

Sunday the crew headed off to church and Mother and Daddy were so sweet to stay home and go and sit on the channel and have breakfast with me. What a treat...to be alone with my parents in a place that I love.

It's funny as in one moment I will think December is not far away and will come quickly...I can't wait to be together again. On the other hand since we love where God has us for the moment, I think...Christmas is so far away and I just need to enjoy every moment. Living in the present, preparing for the future, it seems to be a theme in my life.

Thank you Jesus for my amazing parents...I'm so grateful for how they pray, love, and support our family. I know they are your provision.

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Thomas Troops

P.S.-Finally feeling back to normal although Wyatt wasn't feeling good tonight...SOMEONE has been sick in this family for the past six weeks plus. Hopeful that we are getting next winter's due early.

Since they've left we've celebrated lots of special birthdays in the neighborhood, are helping friends move, have been assigned our new house, and Ed had the honor of speaking in our church's pulpit.

God is good, yah!