Dear family and friends,
It has begun...the great move marathon.
We just finished a fantastic week of VBS and next week Ed will be in D.C. while Wyatt is on Maui for Boy Scouts camp. The girls, the little man, and the mama will be doing a lite week of school while preparing for the upcoming move one street over.
We did heavy moving cleaning in May yet there's still plenty to be accomplished. So grateful for all that has already been taken care of.
This morning I told the children, after the little straightening that needed to be done, would they please spend some time going through what has already been done. If it should be thrown away or given away please put it in the appropriate pile. The girls have been holed up for at least two hours. Just a minute ago I checked on them to find them in the middle of their floor cutting things out of magazines, so they could throw the magazines away of course. Not really the vision I had, but I couldn't not smile at the two of them enjoying each others company!
Love to you all...I wonder what all God is going to teach us this year? May He move more mightly in our hearts than our belongings!
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops