Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy New Year from The Thomas Troops


from The Thomas Troops! Last year’s letter was overtaken by a move from Hawaii to London. It was our shortest move yet, checking in at 7 ½ months. We are now residing at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, Alaska. We do desire more snow as it’s been a light year as of yet. What a special place to be!

This week we’ve spent quite a bit of time contemplating on God’s provision and grace in our lives this past year as well as looking forward to the upcoming year and the goals we would love to see realized. It was fun listening to the children come up with a “Top Ten” list and we decided it was great way for you to have a peek into our family at this time. They are in the order that they popped out of the children’s mouths on Monday.

Top Ten List of God’s Provision and Grace in The Thomas Troops Lives written by The Thomas Children commentated by Mother:

1) Reestablishing Sibling Relationships~ When we brought home Wyatt from the hospital we boldly announced to big sister, “Here’s your best friend!” The children played and played as little ones with great joy. As they got older, it became harder. Six sinners living in one house is often a challenge. This year we’ve seen our three oldest reclaim their relationship in new and exciting ways. Don’t get me wrong, there is always work involved. Putting aside our own desires and learning to put others before ourselves is a worthy pursuit.

2) Going Back to Italy~ Our Italian tour continues to be a family highlight even ten years later. Sweet Jefferson had never been, what a hard way to be odd man out, never been to Italy. When we were in Rome at the end of our tour I told Ed that it was my prayer that a trip to Rome could be a part of their education while they were under our roof. We spent three nights in Rome December 2009 and were able to go back to Aviano last April. What a rich blessing to worship with our church. We also reveled in time with our pastor and our Italian landlord’s sweet family! Senora Del Maschio makes Northern Italian Lasagna like no other. When Caroline was asked by one of the Del Maschio’s if her mother or their mother made better lasagna she replied as only a Public Affairs daughter could, “Senora Del Maschio makes the best lasagna in all of Italy and my mother makes the best lasagna in all of America!” I use Senora Del Maschio’s recipe and am still grateful she taught me how.

3) New Desires to Honor God~ Our entire family sees God working in our lives and changing us to be more like Him. A slow and not always fun process, but we are all grateful for progress forward.

4) Letting Our Family See Grandparents More~ What a precious thing for three teenagers to put as number four on their list! We were able to go to Texas for two weeks in between Hawaii and London. Nana came to see us in February and as always, just jumped into life with us including school (Ed’s and the children’s), church, field trips, the theatre, and celebrating Chinese New Years in a PLA Colonel’s home. Grammy and Major came in April and Nana and Chief came in May. As much as our children never have Sunday lunch or Friday spend the nights with grandparents, they do not complain when they go to the theatre, climb towers in Windsor Castle, or ride the train through the English countryside. Major and Nana also came in August to Alaska to be a part of our celebration as Ed took the command of the 673rd Mission Support Group. We also had the privilege of grandparents around our Christmas tree this year, what a blessing all four of them are!

5) New Perspective From People All Over the World~ Ed’s school consisted of eighty officers and diplomats from over forty three countries. We were able to meet the world, and I’m pleased to say we fell in love at first sight. It was fun to see firsthand how people are people. We were able to revel in our differences and similarities. We walked a road that we will always share with Ed’s schoolmates, one that we will forever be grateful for.

6) God Provided Beyond Measure~ This year we’ve experienced God’s provision double time as we’ve never done back to back moves quite so quickly. We’ve seen God provide TWICE: two homes, two neighborhoods, two churches, two jobs, ect. Our flat in London was directly across from Victoria station. It was my second choice but God knew better. I’m not sure how I would have done the year without Rick and Maggie Coleman as neighbors and friends. A little taste of Texas right there in London. Ed had a seven minute walk and one day Melanee Kate ran in her suit and high heels in about three. You don’t want to be late to class as the British are very prompt. God has provided as well in Alaska. We are thrilled to be living on base with a four minute drive for Ed. We are amazed by new music teachers and opportunities we’ve never had. Wyatt is loving hockey and we have a brilliant little ski slope on base. Between the four children we are covering ski team, junior ski patrol, and we have an official ski patrol candidate.

7) Gifted Time Spent with Family and Friends~ Not only did our grandparents come but we also cherished our time with my sister and nieces, the Newton’s, two of the Stone girls, the Allert’s, the Krause’s, the Leigh’s, the Danielson’s and Steven Dahl. We went out with a bang as Steven was with us up until our last night in the flat and we spent our very last night delighting in London with the Danielson’s. Spending time with people you love is always a treat, but sharing a portion of what we were blessed with in London multiplied it many times.

8) New Friends~ In the meantime we made so many new friends, shared meals, laughed much, and had unique experiences with people we had never known. We loved having people into our home and I was so grateful for all the help the children provided as we entertained guests from Lebanon, Afghanistan, Ireland, China, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, England, Poland, and Iraq. Caroline’s birthday involved five countries and we had a youth game night including Pakistan, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Brazil. Our friends the Amour’s, welcomed us to Northern Ireland for an incredible scoop of hospitality along with sightseeing, meeting their family and friends, shopping, more food than I’ve ever imagined, sweet friendship, and a very exciting 50th birthday party. It was an experience we never could have procured as tourist. We celebrated the 4th of July at our dear Slovakian friend’s home, and they even made sure there was red, white, and blue to be had. As an Air Force family it was a privilege to draw strength, camaraderie, and encouragement from two Navy families. Captain Murray provided Ed with another American stronghold at the school and the cutest three year old you’ve ever seen. Lt. Commander Ray’s family loved on me endlessly and took the children and I to Morocco. They should have mentioned the twenty hours we were going to ride in an unairconditioned van out to the desert, then I could have mentioned our children would probably sing for eighteen of them. Greg may never be the same…GO NAVY!

9) Travelled the World in Ways We Couldn’t Even Have Imagined~ I love to travel. I get it honestly from my mother. It’s genetic I’m sure. I thrill in meeting new people and wait for those sweet moments God provides to share what He’s doing in my life. I love our children seeing God provide from door to door even in those moments that you wish you had not had. Moments when you dearly wish you’d had a reservation for a hotel, you hope your eight year will not throw up, you pray your children will politely eat everything they are given, or you are working hard to not gag because unfamiliar intense smells. It is in those moments our family has seen God show up not a minute early or a minute late, but right on time. His provision is complete, His grace is rich, and His love is immeasurable. We are so grateful to see a bigger view of the world He created.

10) Time with Daddy and Time as a Family~ With grins and giggles the children claimed this as their number ten. Stories abounded after the announcement came. God has been so gracious to let us be together so much this last year. I will forever be grateful for the gift of time together! Ed’s schedule was different in London than we’ve ever known. Although he still accomplished a ton, and continued to earn your tax dollars, we were able spend large quantities of time together. We had heard that the Royal College of Defense Studies was very inviting to families but we didn’t know if that included a homeschooling family with four children who lived around the corner. The rumor was true and they were thrilled every time we burst through the doors, which was often.

It’s hard to believe 2010 is over. It will always be a treasured memory in our hearts and minds. In the same breath, we are looking forward to the New Year as well, knowing God has exciting plans. Our prayer is to thrive as never before…

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Thomas Troops
Ed, Dinah, Caroline, Wyatt, Melanee Kate, and Jefferson