Dear family and friends,
I'm working right now with Wyatt on his Math lesson. He's going to do great this year and we see him maturing so much. He grasps the concepts, but needs me to hold the reigns at this point in the year with everything being so new and exciting.
One thing I love about our Wyatt is once it's his, it's his. He learned to ride a bike immediately (although Jefferson has the record with one push from the neighborhood girl), he walked across the entire rug the first time he walked (actually at 14 months he took two steps to me, then walked a dozen to Aunt Melly), he pottie trained easier than any of them. Sometimes it takes a while for it to become his, but then he owns it for a lifetime. I'm waiting for that moment to arrive for Math. Don't get me wrong, he's smart and good at Math, but he doesn't own it, as of yet.
How often does God have to sit by me waiting for me get it. Just something I've been thinking about today.
I think sitting here is a good exercise for my mind and spirit.
Thank you Lord for being so patient with me, particularly as of lately. I want to get it!
Love in Christ,
P.S.-This is Katie Filman sitting by Jefferson at the beach last spring. Katie was Jefferson's Sunday School teacher at Harvester last year. They were one of the wonderful families who had planned to come to Hawaii before we did. Her mother had emailed it to me this morning and I thought it did a great job illustrating. I think that Katie looks much more like God sitting next to me, than me sitting next to Wyatt. I'm working on it!