Dear friends and family,
We had the most wonderful opportunity this morning to worship. Now I realize that baptism in not a normal Saturday morning practice, but it sure was a sweet one today!
After we'd moved in we still had two houses that were unoccupied, and as my mother taught me, I was praying for just the right neighbors. I always start praying for neighbors the week we find out a move has been secured and from assignment to assignment it has been a neat thing to watch. Sometimes we see clearly what God has done and sometimes we just have no idea.
We met one family who was looking at the house behind us, but later on I ran into Emily at the store and she said that they'd taken 210 instead. I was disappointed as they had two little girls that I knew Melanee Kate would adore (they are in our zoo picture with Jefferson and Melanee Kate). I didn't know that 210 was the other house available so we go out our front door to bump into the Waters rather than the back door.
Emily Waters has been a dear delight to my heart. Brad is assigned to Wake Island this year (it's a fleck on your globe half way inbetween Hawaii and Guam) so Emily is flying solo and doing a great job. When I watch Emily these are the things I think and pray: Lord, please help me to be that hungry...Lord, please help me dig like that when I have questions...Lord, please help me to be open to your plans which are always better. She is a precious woman who is growing daily in Christ.
Watching Emily walk out into the Pacific Ocean this morning was a complete honor. It was a holy and beautiful act of worship and obedience. The backdrop painted by our Father could not have been more perfect. I've only had one other experience to worship beside the ocean. It actually reminds me of worshipping outside in the mountains of Italy as God's creation invites all fives senses to join in. God is so good to meet us when we worship.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops