Monday, July 12, 2010

Who are your neighbors?

Dear family and friends,

Not only is my washer running full time but my sweet neighbor is doing my towels and sheets. God's goodness and provision are always overflowing....

It's had me thinking this morning about all of the amazing neighbors that God has really provided for me over the years! It's hard living so far from family and yet He graciously always provides exactly what I need. serve and be served...what a blessing!

So here's my list of the servers. I'm certainly not deserving of such a list as this...

Lubbock, Texas: Susan and Jeff Dunn-They lived a street over. We were in a little apartment and Jeff, who was a Captain, lived in a HOUSE. This friendship is where the phrase "Captain's are rich" was born. The Dunn's loved us through a very hard time in our lives. Bless their hearts, they just can't get rid of us. This friendship continues to sustain us even though we usually don't live on the same continent. It has been a friendship of commitment, accountability, and joy. The Jefferson in Jefferson Allan...

McGuire AFB, New Jersey: Marcus and Debbie Vincent-Debbie was my constant source of Diet Coke's and conversation. Just loving me right where I was at. We had the delight of spending time with them last fall in California. When Caroline was born Debbie gave me a tin of her mothers that her mother always kept her ribbons in. Her mother passed in her preteen years. One of the most sacrificial gifts I've ever received.

Washington D.C.: Claire and Allan Wright- Hence the Allan in Jefferson Allan. Their hospitality lessons continue to speak to my heart even after all these years. In New Jersey they lived a street over and in DC they lived directly across the culdesac. I'll never forget right after Caroline was born we were running some tables over for them to borrow. They were having a crowd of 40 plus that night. A neighbor who they'd really been loving on came over to ask if they could possibly watch the children that evening. We were waiting for Allan's gracious explanation of their massive party plans but instead heard Allan say with such joy and sincerity, "Oh we're having a couple of folks over tonight, but we'd just love to have them." Ed's jaw was on the ground. It was one of those convicting moments where God showed us we weren't as hospitable as we thought.

Budoia, Italy: Rich and Kat Seifert-We shared a yard and a wall for two and a half years. They were generous and gracious of our enormous collection of children's toys, noise, and general chaos. They were also bathed in hugs, love, and very loud cries of their names over and over. The welcome home wagon was often available with lots of jumping up and down followed by consistent chatter. I've never prayed more for a car than Rich's little red sports car as I was horrified it would be damaged by our children. In the meantime the Seifert's helped pull off ticks, Kat travelled with me, and Rich had his shorts cut with scissors WHILE they were on him.

Colorado Springs, Colorado: Rich and Kat Seifert- Apparently they had not had enough as God put them five doors down when we all moved to Colorado. They have thoroughly spoiled our children their entire lives. Our children are very grateful and highly encourage it. Sweet Rich even accepted an invitation in DC from Caroline to see Disney's Enchanted. This is a kill em, chew them up, spit them out kind of movie man. It was one of the dearest acts of love I've ever experienced towards our children.

Washington D.C.: Andy and Tricia Porth-The moment we left DC the first time, my sweet friend started praying for our return. When it happened she quickly secured the house across the street. It was a privilege to watch this family in action. You've never seen such an amazing network of neighbors living in each others lives as this neighborhood and it was catapulted by the Porth families desire to share the love of Jesus. They connect people like I've never seen. One of the best examples being the day she asked me if Wyatt had red soccer socks. Once I had answered yes her explanation went something like this, "Oh great, as Ethan (our neighbor) is also going to need some so would you be willing to share so they won't have to go out and buy any?" Her plan being that twice a week I would have to connect with my neighbor to trade the socks. Crazy, but it was a delight...twice a return the socks, or have them live life together.

Hickam AFB, Hawaii: Brad and Emily Waters-When they were moving in we quickly found out that Brad would be gone to Wake island for the year. They have two young, and darling, girls. So there we were with an opportunity to serve...which was just not the case. Emily Waters took care of me providing extra sugar, new recipes, encouragement to our children, leftovers, dog advice, prayer, and friendship just to share the tip of the iceberg. Oh and did I mention that she is a Biology teacher by trade and did all of Caroline's Biology experiments side by side with our daughter and her friend.

Hickam AFB, Hawaii: The Purdham family-We lived in two houses in Hawaii as just staying put in one place would be no fun. We only lived next to the Purdham's for two months, but it was a delight. They were so dear in opening up their arms and hearts despite knowing we were leaving. I'm not sure how I would have gotten to London without Lauralyn...

London, England: Rick and Maggie Coleman-The only Americans in the building live directly above us. Their daughter is an Aggie! I know I've mentioned them recently but they are worth a second mention to say the least. They have just taken care of us here and are certainly a brilliant part of God's provision. I've had amazing neighbors in the past but one of the special things about the Coleman's that I've never experienced is they are ahead of us in life. Just by a little bit...we are all celebrating as number one grand baby is on the way! Maggie has cooked for me, washed my laundry, loved on our children, and been a precious sounding board of all that has been going on in our lives here in London and around the world. Rick makes me laugh no matter how long the day has been.

Neighbor's see you good, bad, and ugly...and to be loved anyway...that's where it's at. This list doesn't even mention the people who lived two doors down or out the back.

I'd love to have my Mother and Daddy living next door, but I don't. Instead we get to see God's grace in new and exciting ways...His provision is indescribable...may we always be grateful for it!

Love in Christ,

Dinah for The Troops