Dear family and friends,
Last night Miss Maggie fed us dinner, which of course doesn't surprise any of us. The truck left yesterday with about half of our things and will be back at any moment for the second load today. I've got to go and take pictures today of our belongings being loaded on the streets of London. I didn't even see them coming in and apparently it's quite the sight.
So as we were leaving I was grabbing my little red collection out of her washing machine as it doesn't surprise any of us that she was helping me with laundry yesterday now does it? I found an enormous discovery.
Before we moved here I was very aware that laundry would be more ardous. I knew that from previous experience living overseas as well as full warning from the Americans who had just attended the school. I prepared as much as I could. I bought an extra drying rack not knowing my dryer situation, but more importantly I tried to adjust my expectations. Do you remember that the decision was made inbetween the two flats because this one had a dryer?
I have a sweet friend here who has a strapping husband. She can only put one pair of his pants in at a time.
So last night as I was leaning into the washing machine I discovered my washer must be twice as big as Maggies. Isn't God so good?
Don't get me wrong, I've been grateful for our smooth laundry routine since we've been here and what I thought was going to be so difficult has been relatively normal. Of course, when God gives you a washer twice as big, it really helps.
It had me thinking last night. How does He provide that I just don't even know about? His abundance abounds....Lord help me to always be grateful!
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops