Dear family and friends,
I briefly mentioned a trip to Thailand a couple of weeks ago and know I need to expound.
Caroline and I leave for Thailand on the 9th of January and return on the 20th. We are going with the online school that our children take some of their classes from (The Potter's School) and a group from our church home in Virginia.
We are going to help put on a conference for missionaries and to continue a relationship that we have with a school in the mountains.
This is the eighth year that our school/church has come alongside to help with this endeavor. The conference has grown expediently over the years and this year we are expecting 400. The missionaries come from 15 different countries in Asia, some knowing that this will be the one time of the year that they will be able to freely worship with other believers. They come with children in tow and our job it to provide programs, care, and love to these children. Caroline and I are so excited to have the opportunity to minister to, learn from, and fellowship with these Christian families.
Our service and ministry will continue after the conference ends, when our team travels to the mountains for a few days to experience the local Thai culture and minister to the native people. Our entire stay in the mountains is an opportunity to build relationships with Thai people, with highlights that include teaching English at a Thai elementary school and hiking to a remote tribal village of the “Karen” people (refugees of Burma) to spend the day with the families and teach the children.
I really struggled with taking this opportunity due to the children that will be left behind. Ed's work is only three minutes from the house and he will be taking a few days off. The children will be doing school by themselves for four days and my man promises that all will be well. Ed leaves four days after we return for a 10 day trip for work.
Ed had prayed about this trip and felt that it was something we needed to do. As I was struggling through this decision (Caroline had NO struggle, she is full throttle and ready to go) I was talking to someone and said, "Caroline is less than four years away from heading to college and we want to take any and all opportunities to have impact in our children's lives." The moment this came out of my mouth, I knew God had planned this trip and that I just needed to trust Him.
So we are packing and organizing this week...I can hardly believe it! Please mark your calendars and pray...
Oh, and on the way home, Caroline and I will be able to spend the day together in just doesn't seem real.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Does God ever have to remind you?
Dear family and friends,
God has been doing so many things in my heart this past year, yet He still has to remind me. I so wish that He didn't.
One of the places that God has brought me to this past year is "whatever God". Not "whatever" like a teenage girl with an attitude, but a "whatever" that trusts and loves God and knows that He is utterly Sovereign. A "whatever" that is learning to want His best despite lacking immediate understanding. A "whatever" that wants God to glorify Himself in whatever way He deems right.
Yet, I know I'm not really there, just growing. On Christmas eve we heard that our block will be renovated next fall and we'll all have to move. I have to tell you that I was very overwhelmed and saddened. We move a lot, which in general I love. We've only been in this house for 6 months and the thought of it made my mind reel with thoughts of frustration.
I was talking to a dear friend from Italy about two hours later and when I was sharing the whole "whatever" thing and I was horribly convicted. It connects another thread that God has been teaching me the past few He Sovereign or is He He faithful or is He He trustworthy or is He not? I say He "whatever" God.
You know best, You are in control, You are faithful and You are trustworthy. Moves are really a little deal in life and I am willing.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-Anyone looking for a exciting summer Hawaiian vacation next year can contact the Hickam Community Housing and coordinate your dates with our impending move. We will provide food, entertainment, exercise, and an opportunity for you to serve our family and our country all in one fail swoop!
God has been doing so many things in my heart this past year, yet He still has to remind me. I so wish that He didn't.
One of the places that God has brought me to this past year is "whatever God". Not "whatever" like a teenage girl with an attitude, but a "whatever" that trusts and loves God and knows that He is utterly Sovereign. A "whatever" that is learning to want His best despite lacking immediate understanding. A "whatever" that wants God to glorify Himself in whatever way He deems right.
Yet, I know I'm not really there, just growing. On Christmas eve we heard that our block will be renovated next fall and we'll all have to move. I have to tell you that I was very overwhelmed and saddened. We move a lot, which in general I love. We've only been in this house for 6 months and the thought of it made my mind reel with thoughts of frustration.
I was talking to a dear friend from Italy about two hours later and when I was sharing the whole "whatever" thing and I was horribly convicted. It connects another thread that God has been teaching me the past few He Sovereign or is He He faithful or is He He trustworthy or is He not? I say He "whatever" God.
You know best, You are in control, You are faithful and You are trustworthy. Moves are really a little deal in life and I am willing.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-Anyone looking for a exciting summer Hawaiian vacation next year can contact the Hickam Community Housing and coordinate your dates with our impending move. We will provide food, entertainment, exercise, and an opportunity for you to serve our family and our country all in one fail swoop!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Do you know the downside to Hawaii?
Merry Christmas from The Thomas Troops! It's a beautiful day, children are outside playing, God has been honored, we've had multiple chances to minister and love, how precious it is to love...and I've killed three flies. Isn't it awesome that there will be no downsides to heaven!
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-Caroline took the picture and was sweet enough to share it with her mother! What a girl...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Do you ever think about "have nevers"?
Dear family and friends,
The things I have never done on the 23rd of December, until today:
*I have never swatted flies while preparing Christmas dinner.
*I have never had my yard mowed for Christmas.
*I have never ridden my bike for 5 miles while talking to my husband who is running. (He questioned whether it was too hot today to run at noon, but then laughed at himself as he used to run at noon in San Antonio in the summer.)
*I have never watched Star Trek the Next Generation (we're having a Star Trekthon this Christmas as our children have never seen it).
I wonder what "have nevers" God has in store for this next year...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
The things I have never done on the 23rd of December, until today:
*I have never swatted flies while preparing Christmas dinner.
*I have never had my yard mowed for Christmas.
*I have never ridden my bike for 5 miles while talking to my husband who is running. (He questioned whether it was too hot today to run at noon, but then laughed at himself as he used to run at noon in San Antonio in the summer.)
*I have never watched Star Trek the Next Generation (we're having a Star Trekthon this Christmas as our children have never seen it).
I wonder what "have nevers" God has in store for this next year...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Sunday, December 21, 2008
What's a turjagin?
Dear family and friends,
When our litter was little I realized that three weeks was NOT long enough to teach them all of the Christmas songs that we loved. So in February I pulled out my favorite children's Christmas tape and we started humming along. In May Ed began to protest so we only listened to it when Daddy wasn't in the car, no matter how much the children begged.
August that year we put it up and then in December WALAH! These precious children could sing verse after verse after verse.
Then there's the fourth baby. He missed the year of Christmas song training and I didn't realize how much he was behind the curve until the other day I heard, "Round you tur-ja-gin, mother and child."
Oh you just try so hard to not laugh in their little faces... I just let turjagin stand as I really didn't want to do that explaining to our six year old...
Off to have advent, watch movies, and eat yummies with our sweet children and my man! I hope everyone is enjoying the season. My solid theory, "Come Thursday, no matter what gets done, we're celebrating Jesus!"
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
When our litter was little I realized that three weeks was NOT long enough to teach them all of the Christmas songs that we loved. So in February I pulled out my favorite children's Christmas tape and we started humming along. In May Ed began to protest so we only listened to it when Daddy wasn't in the car, no matter how much the children begged.
August that year we put it up and then in December WALAH! These precious children could sing verse after verse after verse.
Then there's the fourth baby. He missed the year of Christmas song training and I didn't realize how much he was behind the curve until the other day I heard, "Round you tur-ja-gin, mother and child."
Oh you just try so hard to not laugh in their little faces... I just let turjagin stand as I really didn't want to do that explaining to our six year old...
Off to have advent, watch movies, and eat yummies with our sweet children and my man! I hope everyone is enjoying the season. My solid theory, "Come Thursday, no matter what gets done, we're celebrating Jesus!"
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Have you ever read a party debrief?
Dear family and friends,
Yesterday we received a picture by email from the Christmas party that we attended last weekend. We had a great time and really were able to relax and enjoy ourselves.
The party was given by General Chandler and his lovely wife, Eva Marie. It was in their historic home that stood while Pearl Harbor was being bombed so many years ago. There were several things that were unique:
1) Ed really enjoyed himself and by God's grace was able to come out of work mode. Not only was the party at his boss's house, but it was attended by many community leaders which is right up Ed's Public Affairs alley.
2) I wore a sleeveless dress and did not freeze! You know all of those Christmas dresses that your limiting options are: 1) You are willing to catch pneumonia 2) You have to cover up with a coat/shawl in order to not catch pneumonia 3) You always hunt diligently for Christmas dresses with long sleeves and bypass the beautiful ones that you are sure will be risking getting pneumonia by purchasing.
3) The best part about the dress is that Caroline came running up to me just as I was finally in the front of the line at Ross's with this dress. She talked me into buying it knowing I could return it if it didn't fit as there was no way we were getting out of that long line. How fun to have my 14 year old choose a dress for me!
4) The last several weeks have been filled with unusual amounts of rain so keeping my hair dry all day was quite the challenge. The girls and I had just had our bimonthly hair cuts that morning and the dear lady who cuts it fixed it for special without charging me. When I came out from running from the Commissary Caroline willingly sacrificed her own hair in order to keep mine dry. She was so sweet to become a drowned rat in about 20 seconds flat.
5) We ran out of the house to drive a street away in order to stay dry.
6) This is the first Christmas party ever that I have left my shoes outside at the front door and remained barefoot the rest of the evening. Coming from Texas I had never heard to taking your shoes off at someones house and was quite surprised when we moved to New Jersey and found that this was common practice. It makes perfect sense when you live somewhere where your dripping feet will damage carpets. The four star comfortably donned his house shoes for the duration of the party.
7) I got quite tickled as we were in between round one and round two. This party was given in two shifts. We were asked to stay for both due the Ed's relationships with the community leaders. It started promptly at 4:30 and at 6:00, without being asked, everyone promptly left. 30 minutes to reset and the next party proceeded. At 6:30 they came, and with a little lea way due to knowing it was the last party, without being asked, by 8:10 everyone had left. It was a wonderful evening and no one had to worry about leaving to early.
I love Christmas parties, even when they are advertised as "holiday parties" which they are the majority of the time now in the politically correct military world. The Christmas tree was a light blue decorated with Air Force emblems and lights. Silent Night and The First Noel played from the top of the stairs by the Air Force band. Many people said, "Merry Christmas!" I love these moments, the moments that the world honors and acknowledges my Jesus whether they know it or not.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Monday, December 15, 2008
Can you believe such talent?
This is Jefferson pretending to have a mustache, all while he is doing math. He was so pleased with himself. Do think there's a job market for this skill?
If not, maybe he can fall back on his art work. I thought he was being diligent in math but apparently he was drawing pictures of the two of us...
Do you love it?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
What's my favorite jewelry?
Dear family and friends,
If you asked me what my favorite jewelry is I would be able to quickly tell you:
1. Hands down, my favorite piece of jewelry are my wedding and engagement ring. A promise from my man! Ed worked hard in order to pay for my engagement ring so many years ago. His grandmother bought them for him and he finished paying her off right before we married. My wedding ring is exactly like my mothers. We had it made a few years later when I was pregnant with Wyatt. The diamonds are small, but they go all the way around, a full circle. The jeweler conitinued to insist that they would be bigger if we'd just stick to the ones on top, but they defintely needed to go all the way around, just like my mothers. I cherish them both and wouldn't trade them for the world.
2. My second favorite is a necklace with twelve strands of small pearls that twist and are worn as a choker. I bought them on a huge clearance in Dallas while we lived in Italy. They were purchased from a well respected clothing company that was closing down. I tried to call Ed (before cell phones) to double check with him and then just had to make the decision myself. At that point in our lives they were a tremendous amount of money for us. I struggled, but knew my Ed would understand. He was so wonderfully supportive and I'll never forget how precious he was in stating that he just trusted my judgement. I wear them all the time and am so grateful to have them. We've spent very little money on jewelry, a mutual decision.
3. I absolutely adore my baby Jesus jewelry! Who needs expensive jewelry when they've received baby Jesus jewelry from their children? I normally start wearing it regularly right after Thanksgiving up until Christmas day. Wyatt made me the necklace many years ago in Sunday School and Jefferson made me a bracelet. They are very inexpensive, one being of wood and the other made of cheap metal and a plastic string that I'm so grateful has not broken so far. They are so valuable in my heart, made by our boys, given with love and wild abandon. They picture my God and how He came because I need to have a restored relationship with God the Father. Tonight we went to a Christmas party and I was choosing to not panic as I couldn't find them. I don't have a large jewelry box but little bags with odds and ends. All of my jewelry was in a small bag that I carried on the plane when we moved to Hawaii. My baby Jesus jewelry in tow, placed carefully with my pearls, wedding ring on my hand and ready to follow my man wherever God sends us.
Yet they are all things of this world and not near as valuable as the people who Christ values...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-I keep forgetting to mention that Caroline and I will be traveling to Thailand on the 9th of January. I'll have to save the details for another day.
If you asked me what my favorite jewelry is I would be able to quickly tell you:
1. Hands down, my favorite piece of jewelry are my wedding and engagement ring. A promise from my man! Ed worked hard in order to pay for my engagement ring so many years ago. His grandmother bought them for him and he finished paying her off right before we married. My wedding ring is exactly like my mothers. We had it made a few years later when I was pregnant with Wyatt. The diamonds are small, but they go all the way around, a full circle. The jeweler conitinued to insist that they would be bigger if we'd just stick to the ones on top, but they defintely needed to go all the way around, just like my mothers. I cherish them both and wouldn't trade them for the world.
2. My second favorite is a necklace with twelve strands of small pearls that twist and are worn as a choker. I bought them on a huge clearance in Dallas while we lived in Italy. They were purchased from a well respected clothing company that was closing down. I tried to call Ed (before cell phones) to double check with him and then just had to make the decision myself. At that point in our lives they were a tremendous amount of money for us. I struggled, but knew my Ed would understand. He was so wonderfully supportive and I'll never forget how precious he was in stating that he just trusted my judgement. I wear them all the time and am so grateful to have them. We've spent very little money on jewelry, a mutual decision.
3. I absolutely adore my baby Jesus jewelry! Who needs expensive jewelry when they've received baby Jesus jewelry from their children? I normally start wearing it regularly right after Thanksgiving up until Christmas day. Wyatt made me the necklace many years ago in Sunday School and Jefferson made me a bracelet. They are very inexpensive, one being of wood and the other made of cheap metal and a plastic string that I'm so grateful has not broken so far. They are so valuable in my heart, made by our boys, given with love and wild abandon. They picture my God and how He came because I need to have a restored relationship with God the Father. Tonight we went to a Christmas party and I was choosing to not panic as I couldn't find them. I don't have a large jewelry box but little bags with odds and ends. All of my jewelry was in a small bag that I carried on the plane when we moved to Hawaii. My baby Jesus jewelry in tow, placed carefully with my pearls, wedding ring on my hand and ready to follow my man wherever God sends us.
Yet they are all things of this world and not near as valuable as the people who Christ values...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-I keep forgetting to mention that Caroline and I will be traveling to Thailand on the 9th of January. I'll have to save the details for another day.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
Dear family and friends,
This is one of my favorite trees on base. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful and different the trees are here? I think it looks like a large darling pinapple.

My friend Sharla told me the rule when I arrived here in Hawaii. You must buy a pinapple everytime you go to the commisary. I rarely disobey this rule as I think it's fantastic and I'm more than happy to oblige.
In Italy I fell in love with gnocchi. In Hawaii I've discoverd that I think Spam Musubi is pretty amazing.
Now you need to understand that Hawaiians LOVE Spam. They apparently have a long history with it and it's become a part of their culture. So when you come to our house and you are just dying to have some, we can just run right down to the Burger King on base and I will fix you up. I had never put Spam in my mouth until I arrived here.

Emily, my sweet neighbor, and I went to the zoo in August and she talked me into ordering Spam Musubi. It's like a Hawaiian version of large sushi. Then several weeks ago she taught me how to make it. I made it all by myself on Monday night. I even bought a Spam Musubi mold at the BX in order to do it well and quickly. I was so proud of this little accomplishment. We all really like it, although at the end I see a little seaweed left on our children's plates.
Tonight after Caroline's piano concert:

We drove around to see the Christmas lights on base. We were singing "The First Noel" and I rolled down the window for a second, suprised to not have a flood of cold air rush in. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, despite the lack of snow, or cold, hot chocolate, or heavy coats. God's teaching all the Thomas Troops (again for some of us), that all we need for Christmas is Jesus!
I hope you are enjoying the season...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
This is one of my favorite trees on base. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful and different the trees are here? I think it looks like a large darling pinapple.
My friend Sharla told me the rule when I arrived here in Hawaii. You must buy a pinapple everytime you go to the commisary. I rarely disobey this rule as I think it's fantastic and I'm more than happy to oblige.
In Italy I fell in love with gnocchi. In Hawaii I've discoverd that I think Spam Musubi is pretty amazing.
Now you need to understand that Hawaiians LOVE Spam. They apparently have a long history with it and it's become a part of their culture. So when you come to our house and you are just dying to have some, we can just run right down to the Burger King on base and I will fix you up. I had never put Spam in my mouth until I arrived here.
Emily, my sweet neighbor, and I went to the zoo in August and she talked me into ordering Spam Musubi. It's like a Hawaiian version of large sushi. Then several weeks ago she taught me how to make it. I made it all by myself on Monday night. I even bought a Spam Musubi mold at the BX in order to do it well and quickly. I was so proud of this little accomplishment. We all really like it, although at the end I see a little seaweed left on our children's plates.
Tonight after Caroline's piano concert:
We drove around to see the Christmas lights on base. We were singing "The First Noel" and I rolled down the window for a second, suprised to not have a flood of cold air rush in. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, despite the lack of snow, or cold, hot chocolate, or heavy coats. God's teaching all the Thomas Troops (again for some of us), that all we need for Christmas is Jesus!
I hope you are enjoying the season...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Sidedish or dessert?
Dear family and friends,
I never shared about our Thanksgiving as Ed and really relaxed after all the preparations were complete on Thursday. Then we hit the ground running on Friday and accomplished all kinds of things over the next two days.
It was such a great day full of lots of team effort, phone calls with loved ones, laughter with dear friends, and refreshment.

The highlight of Thanksgiving for The Thomas Troops, past being grateful to Jesus and the sweet friends God provided, was hands down, the Strawberry Surprise!
When I was growing up there were many years where our guest list included Nana and Nan Nan, Sarah and Shawn Johnson, and Carl and Jo Schlect. Jo would always bring two dishes: Squash Casserole and Strawberry Surprise. I loved the Squash Casserole and my sister loved the Strawberry Surprise. Now the early years of making a Christmas dinner were not very encouraging as my children didn't seem to like any of it. It's a lot of hard work for no little ones to like it. Eventually I dropped the Strawberry Surprise, but oh how it has been revived.
The last two years in DC we had the privilege of spending holidays with my sweet sister's family. So here comes the Strawberry Surprise as my sweet niece would bathe in the yummy delight if her mother would let her. My children fell in love and were sure that it would go wonderfully with Mexican food. I was happy to oblige.
Then the great debate began...side dish or dessert? My children were very concerned without Aunt Melly here on their side that they'd be waiting for hours. They came in with great giggles of delight Thanksgiving morning with an email from Aunt Melly. It was read to our friends as we gathered to discuss the logistics of our meal right before we stopped to thank God for our bounty.

Dear Caroline, Wyatt, Melanee Kate, and Jefferson,
This is really for your mother but I want to make sure that you read it first and hold her to it!!!
STRAWBERRY SURPRISE - This is a side dish. It is to be served WITH the meal and not as a dessert. It adds beautiful color to every plate and should be used during the meal and NOT after. If you wait until afterwards, you might be too full and won't be able to eat as much as you want. This dish gets better with each serving so please have at least two or three!!!!
If you mother won't adhere to these guidelines, come see Aunt Melly!! I'll let you have it for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner AND dessert!
I love you and hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Aunt Melly
She rarely pulls rank on being, you know, being a whole 26 months older. I think every child should have an Aunt Melly.
As I finished up preparations I was tickled thinking about my menu and how it really spans across so many wonderful places and people: BB Paoli's salsa and tortillas (Italy), Doug Smith's guacomole (Montana), Stephanie Wheeler's refried beans (New Jersey), Eddie's fajita's (Montana), Susan Dunn's fudge pie (Lubbock, Texas), Darcie Newton's cranberry pecan pie (San Antonio, Texas) , and Dinah' ever changing apple pie (created and recreated from whatever I can remember year to year from what my dear Mother and Nana told me so many years ago). Oh and I use Theresa Odom's topping on my Apple Pie (knew and loved her in Italy, but was givin the recipe while we lived in Colorado). Emily Waters made more than her fair share of amazing food and her banana salad will be on my list in the future (Hawaii). This is such a small sampling of the friends and family for which we are thankful for...
Oh, and by the way, that Thursday we decided that Strawberry Surprise goes quite nicely with Mexican food! Notice that they were served right by the homemade tortilla's.

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
I never shared about our Thanksgiving as Ed and really relaxed after all the preparations were complete on Thursday. Then we hit the ground running on Friday and accomplished all kinds of things over the next two days.
It was such a great day full of lots of team effort, phone calls with loved ones, laughter with dear friends, and refreshment.
The highlight of Thanksgiving for The Thomas Troops, past being grateful to Jesus and the sweet friends God provided, was hands down, the Strawberry Surprise!
When I was growing up there were many years where our guest list included Nana and Nan Nan, Sarah and Shawn Johnson, and Carl and Jo Schlect. Jo would always bring two dishes: Squash Casserole and Strawberry Surprise. I loved the Squash Casserole and my sister loved the Strawberry Surprise. Now the early years of making a Christmas dinner were not very encouraging as my children didn't seem to like any of it. It's a lot of hard work for no little ones to like it. Eventually I dropped the Strawberry Surprise, but oh how it has been revived.
The last two years in DC we had the privilege of spending holidays with my sweet sister's family. So here comes the Strawberry Surprise as my sweet niece would bathe in the yummy delight if her mother would let her. My children fell in love and were sure that it would go wonderfully with Mexican food. I was happy to oblige.
Then the great debate began...side dish or dessert? My children were very concerned without Aunt Melly here on their side that they'd be waiting for hours. They came in with great giggles of delight Thanksgiving morning with an email from Aunt Melly. It was read to our friends as we gathered to discuss the logistics of our meal right before we stopped to thank God for our bounty.
Dear Caroline, Wyatt, Melanee Kate, and Jefferson,
This is really for your mother but I want to make sure that you read it first and hold her to it!!!
STRAWBERRY SURPRISE - This is a side dish. It is to be served WITH the meal and not as a dessert. It adds beautiful color to every plate and should be used during the meal and NOT after. If you wait until afterwards, you might be too full and won't be able to eat as much as you want. This dish gets better with each serving so please have at least two or three!!!!
If you mother won't adhere to these guidelines, come see Aunt Melly!! I'll let you have it for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner AND dessert!
I love you and hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Aunt Melly
She rarely pulls rank on being, you know, being a whole 26 months older. I think every child should have an Aunt Melly.
As I finished up preparations I was tickled thinking about my menu and how it really spans across so many wonderful places and people: BB Paoli's salsa and tortillas (Italy), Doug Smith's guacomole (Montana), Stephanie Wheeler's refried beans (New Jersey), Eddie's fajita's (Montana), Susan Dunn's fudge pie (Lubbock, Texas), Darcie Newton's cranberry pecan pie (San Antonio, Texas) , and Dinah' ever changing apple pie (created and recreated from whatever I can remember year to year from what my dear Mother and Nana told me so many years ago). Oh and I use Theresa Odom's topping on my Apple Pie (knew and loved her in Italy, but was givin the recipe while we lived in Colorado). Emily Waters made more than her fair share of amazing food and her banana salad will be on my list in the future (Hawaii). This is such a small sampling of the friends and family for which we are thankful for...
Oh, and by the way, that Thursday we decided that Strawberry Surprise goes quite nicely with Mexican food! Notice that they were served right by the homemade tortilla's.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Monday, December 1, 2008
Did you hear angels?
Dear family and friends,
On Sunday we were sitting in church and I happened to be down at the end on the other side of Ed with most of our little ones on his side. We were singing praises to God and I was really enjoying worshipping with other believers. One thing that I've really enjoyed about worshipping in church in Hawaii is our church always has the windows open. Lately there's been a lovely breeze that can almost bring a slight chill. It's an amazing thing to have all your senses being touched by the hand of God. Hearing his people, seeing His creation, feeling His breeze, smelling His flowers. Well, minus the taste...but I can just think about Mexican food or Whataburgers and we'll consider that square checked.
We are singing "All in All" and all of the sudden I hear the most beautiful sounds amidst our singing. I quickly look around and realize it's our three other children singing the alternate part. They were not making a huge scene, just sweetly singing to Jesus, walking against the current with paitence and joy. It immediately ministered to my heart as this is exactly what we are raising them to do in life. Oh Lord, please give them the strength, courage, and grace to always sing for you, no matter how strong obstacles may be.
I know recently I said that their singing was almost as beautiful as the heartbeats I heard so many years ago. This was definitely more beautiful. Kate and I quickly joined was truly an honor to sing His praises.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
On Sunday we were sitting in church and I happened to be down at the end on the other side of Ed with most of our little ones on his side. We were singing praises to God and I was really enjoying worshipping with other believers. One thing that I've really enjoyed about worshipping in church in Hawaii is our church always has the windows open. Lately there's been a lovely breeze that can almost bring a slight chill. It's an amazing thing to have all your senses being touched by the hand of God. Hearing his people, seeing His creation, feeling His breeze, smelling His flowers. Well, minus the taste...but I can just think about Mexican food or Whataburgers and we'll consider that square checked.
We are singing "All in All" and all of the sudden I hear the most beautiful sounds amidst our singing. I quickly look around and realize it's our three other children singing the alternate part. They were not making a huge scene, just sweetly singing to Jesus, walking against the current with paitence and joy. It immediately ministered to my heart as this is exactly what we are raising them to do in life. Oh Lord, please give them the strength, courage, and grace to always sing for you, no matter how strong obstacles may be.
I know recently I said that their singing was almost as beautiful as the heartbeats I heard so many years ago. This was definitely more beautiful. Kate and I quickly joined was truly an honor to sing His praises.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
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- You are going where?
- Does God ever have to remind you?
- Do you know the downside to Hawaii?
- Do you ever think about "have nevers"?
- What's a turjagin?
- Have you ever read a party debrief?
- Can you believe such talent?
- Do you love it?
- What's my favorite jewelry?
- Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
- Sidedish or dessert?
- Did you hear angels?