This is one of my favorite trees on base. Have I ever mentioned how beautiful and different the trees are here? I think it looks like a large darling pinapple.
My friend Sharla told me the rule when I arrived here in Hawaii. You must buy a pinapple everytime you go to the commisary. I rarely disobey this rule as I think it's fantastic and I'm more than happy to oblige.
In Italy I fell in love with gnocchi. In Hawaii I've discoverd that I think Spam Musubi is pretty amazing.
Now you need to understand that Hawaiians LOVE Spam. They apparently have a long history with it and it's become a part of their culture. So when you come to our house and you are just dying to have some, we can just run right down to the Burger King on base and I will fix you up. I had never put Spam in my mouth until I arrived here.
Emily, my sweet neighbor, and I went to the zoo in August and she talked me into ordering Spam Musubi. It's like a Hawaiian version of large sushi. Then several weeks ago she taught me how to make it. I made it all by myself on Monday night. I even bought a Spam Musubi mold at the BX in order to do it well and quickly. I was so proud of this little accomplishment. We all really like it, although at the end I see a little seaweed left on our children's plates.
Tonight after Caroline's piano concert:
We drove around to see the Christmas lights on base. We were singing "The First Noel" and I rolled down the window for a second, suprised to not have a flood of cold air rush in. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here, despite the lack of snow, or cold, hot chocolate, or heavy coats. God's teaching all the Thomas Troops (again for some of us), that all we need for Christmas is Jesus!
I hope you are enjoying the season...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops