Thursday, February 19, 2009
Do elephants really paint?
Dear family and friends,
Another Thailand story...It was the morning we were going to leave Chiang Mai and head out for the mountains. Caroline and I were still asleep because Caroline was sick. We'd been up about 6:30 or so to confirm that we were going to sleep in and take the morning easy, although Caroline was hopeful that she was through the worst.
It was 10 minutes before 9:00 when Lori came banging on our door. When she realized that we were not going she had ran up 9 flights of stairs due to very slow elevators and then "implored" me to please go and see the elephants. First, I had never been "implored" to do anything in my life. This is a GREAT word that is very effective, descriptive, and just plain fun. Put it in your back pocket for the next time you need it. Secondly, did I already say that this sweet woman had already run up NINE flights of stairs. Lori implored us to go and said she'd stay with the sick and would be more than happy to finish packing our things.
We were dressed and out the door in about six minutes flat. Caroline should have been in bed, but bless her heart, you know when you've been sick and it's all out. At that point it's just crawling back up the hill. That's where we thought she was and she was going to have to travel that day either way. It was in no way strenuous and she had looked so forward to what I didn't even really pay attention to.
Now I had heard something about elephants (just like I'd heard there was something about jewelry...another story). Caroline was excited about the elephants, in fact she'd talked a TON about it (little pun there for you). I just thought that we were going to do the typical zoo sit on an elephant, take a picture, have him walk a little ways kinda thing.
When we got there, first we delighted in a full elephant show. Did you know that elephants can really paint? I had no idea myself. I watched an elephant paint an elephant, a tree, and flowers...with my very own eyes. If I'd had a tube to roll it up in I would have brought one home. I think it would have added some great diversity to my little art collection by the way. My man thinks I'm crazy, but he's never seen an elephant paint like I have so what can you expect.
The elephants also did typical circus things, but they also played a mean game of soccer. I wished Brettaboo could have seen that elephant kick that soccer ball as it was impressive. We also enjoyed their harmonica tunes.
It was a great elephant show to say the very least...but then we rode them. A trail ride, just like our children rode horses in Yellowstone. An elephant trail ride, which felt somewhat like a roller coaster ride to me. Lori had described it as relaxing, swaying, ect, ect...this is what she ran up and down 9 floors for.
This was when the secret came out. I'm a 38 year old squealer...I can't help myself. I love to scream on rides. I always squeal when I water ski. They pop out when I snow ski too, although they are easier to hide under all those layers. The tuk tuk, well, that should make anyone squeal.
Amy rode with me and we had such a marvelous time. She was more than happy to squeal with me...up the hills, down the hills, in the water, and particularly when our driver got off to take our picture. When you looked at the picture, well, if you think it looks a little cockeyed, it's because it was! Which definitely deserved a squeal.
God's creations never cease to amaze me....I think he chuckled the entire time he created those elephants. I'm glad I don't need them to move things around my house as it's already a little crowded in this 1930's three bedroom home. They certainly are strong suckers and they paint...did I mention they paint?
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops