Dear family and friends,
Yesterday after church the non Pro Bowl crew went to Subway.
As I was coming out of church I approached the van, I and heard the chant of, "Subway, Subway, Subway". My children love to go out to eat just like their mother and the mother who went before me. They also know I watch our money and have figured out that the cheaper it is, the more likely I am to do it.
The boy's were at the Pro Bowl stadium at that point. Wyatt got Peyton Mannings,Drew Brees, and Adrian Peterson's autograph's. (This paragraph was randomly added by our 13 year old son when I left the computer. It is very true, and extremely exciting.)
The promises came quickly. "Mother we can all share the 12 inch subs and not get drinks or chips. We can do this for $12!" spouted our oldest.
I have a little secret about myself...I LOVE to share food when we go out to eat. If the portions are huge down the middle is fine. If they are not, order two and give me half, this way I get to try and enjoy two new things. After ten years of marriage (nine years ago) my sweet husband decided he would share his food with me, which was a huge sign of love, as he's not naturally a food sharer.
So there we were standing in line discussing and planning who wanted what meat and who wanted what bread. The meat, not a big deal as we were all happy with ham. The bread, definitely more give and take.
Now there are times that we go and order like so many other families, everyone gets their own choice of meal and and a drink. These are special times though, treasured and enjoyed by all. But often, we share, I think it's somewhat of an art...ordering enough for everyone to enjoy in the most inexpensive way possible. My father always gets a kick of watching me order for our family. I take into consideration likes, dislikes, amounts, prices, and whether we are in a position to take home leftovers.
In the long run, my children are benefiting from my method...having to forgo the kind of bread you want, or splitting a meal that would not be your number one choice. I've watched them sacrifice, giving and taking, being excited for another family member...these are great qualities that will serve them for a lifetime. I've seen them grow in gratefulness! Nowadays I think they just think this is the way it is with everyone...shhhh, please do not tell them.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops