Dear family and friends,
I have never ridden a bicycle to the doctor, until today. Ed and I are sharing a car until we move to London or God shows us otherwise. Many times in the past three years I have been grateful for wheels. Today I was grateful for two rather than four.
While we were in D.C. we had many discussions as children would wonder out loud why that crowd was standing together on the side of the street. Now riding the bus in D.C. is a very normal event for communters, it's also a normal event for those who depend on it for their main source of transportation. I would always tell them, having a car is a luxury loves. We are no better, no different, God just provides in different ways.
God always provides, often, just not the way we've we thought He would, should, or could. Today he provided a bike for sick woman who just needed a different antibiotic...another luxury I'm so grateful to have.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-On Wednesday the girls and I will be taking our first bike ride to the eye doctor!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Facebook is an interesting place don't you think?
Dear family and friends,
I won't say that I'm up and running full speed, but I am getting there.
Being out of commission is always a struggle. It really makes me trust Jesus that everything that He wants done will be taken care of. My list goes on serious hold though and it just takes time to catch up. I'm so grateful that God's plans are NEVER on hold!
I have to briefly tell you the highlight of my week.
Facebook is an interesting place don't you think? It's funny the people that pop up, the things you remember, the relationships that are rekindled.
Often shallow, BUT NOT ALWAYS. If you know anything about Ed and I you know we love meat. Don't give us fluff unless it's completely necessary to get to the meat. I've really enjoyed Facebook but I do not want it to be a time sucker. I want it to be something fruitful in my life.
Facebook has kind of been a family event. Ed doesn't have a page and so there are times at dinner I will throw out different people and what I've found out about their lives. It has lead to wonderful conversations with our children, those opportunities we are just waiting and praying for.
It's even funnier how our children will know people minus their names. They all knew the boy who would choose Mommy first when we were in elementary school and we had quite a lively conversation one night over whether he was really just being a good friend or just thought Mommy was cute. Daddy swore up and down he though Mommy was cute, I didn't really care, I will forever be grateful to God for providing Todd Abbott so I wouldn't always be chosen last.
I've had a great opportunity this spring to pray for and with a dear friend from Montana who is also moving to Europe.
I LOVE getting to know these beautiful girls that Caroline is friends with and are so grateful they are glad to have Mrs. Thomas/Auntie Dinah on their pages. In Hawaii the children have Aunties...I LOVE BEING AN AUNTIE!
My favorite thing is when you have an opportunity to see what God has done (is doing) in peoples lives. We've found a blog of friend (through Facebook) who lost her husband a little over two years ago. Her story has greatly ministered to my heart. She's a walking mirror of God's provision. Without today's technology we really might not even know. The children and I faithfully prayed for her for 14 months after her husband died protecting our freedom in Iraq. It was so awesome to see that as God released me from praying for her she was diving deep into a new relationship that God clearly brought. It was even more awesome to see how God listens to prayer. How He delights and provides for His children. She is now married and continuing to heal because she serves the great healer.
I have another friend from high school who knew Jesus, but now is intimately and boldly walking with Him. Her words often inspire me to persevere in my own walk.
I hope I encouraged a young mother yesterday, continual opportunities. I heard from a high school friend who now knows my Jesus. I had a conversation with her in my car so many years ago about Jesus and who He was in my life. I remember it vividly for two reasons.
First, I remember struggling with that moment of choosing obedience rather than comfort, choosing what was right rather than what she might think. If I hadn't obeyed, God would have brought someone else and I would have missed it, missed the whole blessing. I was blessed that night and I certainly was blessed today. What a privilege it is to share Jesus...
Secondly, I was late getting home and knew if I was in trouble anyway it would be one of those few times that would be worth it. Of course my Dad was very understanding and encouraged me in the opportunity.
It makes me think...what am I doing today that will have impact in the future? I do not want to live out life somehow, but victoriously. I don't want to miss the blessings. I don't want to sit where it's comfortable. I do not want to be complacent.
It's obviously not about Facebook, but using whatever opportunities we have to love people for Jesus. I am so grateful for how God continues to pursue my heart, how He helps me grow in these things. I could never do these things on my own...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
I won't say that I'm up and running full speed, but I am getting there.
Being out of commission is always a struggle. It really makes me trust Jesus that everything that He wants done will be taken care of. My list goes on serious hold though and it just takes time to catch up. I'm so grateful that God's plans are NEVER on hold!
I have to briefly tell you the highlight of my week.
Facebook is an interesting place don't you think? It's funny the people that pop up, the things you remember, the relationships that are rekindled.
Often shallow, BUT NOT ALWAYS. If you know anything about Ed and I you know we love meat. Don't give us fluff unless it's completely necessary to get to the meat. I've really enjoyed Facebook but I do not want it to be a time sucker. I want it to be something fruitful in my life.
Facebook has kind of been a family event. Ed doesn't have a page and so there are times at dinner I will throw out different people and what I've found out about their lives. It has lead to wonderful conversations with our children, those opportunities we are just waiting and praying for.
It's even funnier how our children will know people minus their names. They all knew the boy who would choose Mommy first when we were in elementary school and we had quite a lively conversation one night over whether he was really just being a good friend or just thought Mommy was cute. Daddy swore up and down he though Mommy was cute, I didn't really care, I will forever be grateful to God for providing Todd Abbott so I wouldn't always be chosen last.
I've had a great opportunity this spring to pray for and with a dear friend from Montana who is also moving to Europe.
I LOVE getting to know these beautiful girls that Caroline is friends with and are so grateful they are glad to have Mrs. Thomas/Auntie Dinah on their pages. In Hawaii the children have Aunties...I LOVE BEING AN AUNTIE!
My favorite thing is when you have an opportunity to see what God has done (is doing) in peoples lives. We've found a blog of friend (through Facebook) who lost her husband a little over two years ago. Her story has greatly ministered to my heart. She's a walking mirror of God's provision. Without today's technology we really might not even know. The children and I faithfully prayed for her for 14 months after her husband died protecting our freedom in Iraq. It was so awesome to see that as God released me from praying for her she was diving deep into a new relationship that God clearly brought. It was even more awesome to see how God listens to prayer. How He delights and provides for His children. She is now married and continuing to heal because she serves the great healer.
I have another friend from high school who knew Jesus, but now is intimately and boldly walking with Him. Her words often inspire me to persevere in my own walk.
I hope I encouraged a young mother yesterday, continual opportunities. I heard from a high school friend who now knows my Jesus. I had a conversation with her in my car so many years ago about Jesus and who He was in my life. I remember it vividly for two reasons.
First, I remember struggling with that moment of choosing obedience rather than comfort, choosing what was right rather than what she might think. If I hadn't obeyed, God would have brought someone else and I would have missed it, missed the whole blessing. I was blessed that night and I certainly was blessed today. What a privilege it is to share Jesus...
Secondly, I was late getting home and knew if I was in trouble anyway it would be one of those few times that would be worth it. Of course my Dad was very understanding and encouraged me in the opportunity.
It makes me think...what am I doing today that will have impact in the future? I do not want to live out life somehow, but victoriously. I don't want to miss the blessings. I don't want to sit where it's comfortable. I do not want to be complacent.
It's obviously not about Facebook, but using whatever opportunities we have to love people for Jesus. I am so grateful for how God continues to pursue my heart, how He helps me grow in these things. I could never do these things on my own...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Do you wanna learn something about my man?
Dear family and friends,
I was so excited. I love our Easter cross. We've had it since Alabama. Our church there passed them out and we've enjoyed taking our AL tradition with us all over.
You have three sashes...purple for the week before Good Friday, black for Good Friday, and White for Easter...He is risen indeed.
I love tradition. We have several for Easter, the cross being one of them.
I started thinking last week and was so excited as I was going to put the black one up on my post on Friday and then the white one on Easter Sunday. I'd even thought it through, I was going to put the plumeria flowers all around the ground Easter afternoon and take a picture to share.
So here's the part about my man...he's FAST! You never know what he's going to do next, and mind you, he will do it quickly.
I headed out with my camera after my little Easter nap to find my cross gone. We came home from the beach, which is an Easter tradition I'm sad we will not be able to continue, and laid down for just a minute. We'd been up since dawn thirty for sun rise service so I was more tired than normal.
Ed is so wonderful about helping me when he's home. He quickly unloaded the car with the boys (not as fast as their father, but we're working on it). Threw things to the laundry, got everything in the kitchen to be unpacked, and snuggled up with me on our bed. Here's the problem...he got up first...did I mention he's fast?
I'd say I'd show you next Easter...but we'll have no yard. Oh, I'll have to stick it in a planter in our 3 bedroom flat. I may have to make a can't take down my cross until the day after Easter, I just might want to take a picture of it. The biggest question...can I remember to tell Ed before he takes it down next year?
What a love he and all!!! You should see how fast he takes down the Christmas tree...I've never been sad about that.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
I was so excited. I love our Easter cross. We've had it since Alabama. Our church there passed them out and we've enjoyed taking our AL tradition with us all over.
You have three sashes...purple for the week before Good Friday, black for Good Friday, and White for Easter...He is risen indeed.
I love tradition. We have several for Easter, the cross being one of them.
I started thinking last week and was so excited as I was going to put the black one up on my post on Friday and then the white one on Easter Sunday. I'd even thought it through, I was going to put the plumeria flowers all around the ground Easter afternoon and take a picture to share.
So here's the part about my man...he's FAST! You never know what he's going to do next, and mind you, he will do it quickly.
I headed out with my camera after my little Easter nap to find my cross gone. We came home from the beach, which is an Easter tradition I'm sad we will not be able to continue, and laid down for just a minute. We'd been up since dawn thirty for sun rise service so I was more tired than normal.
Ed is so wonderful about helping me when he's home. He quickly unloaded the car with the boys (not as fast as their father, but we're working on it). Threw things to the laundry, got everything in the kitchen to be unpacked, and snuggled up with me on our bed. Here's the problem...he got up first...did I mention he's fast?
I'd say I'd show you next Easter...but we'll have no yard. Oh, I'll have to stick it in a planter in our 3 bedroom flat. I may have to make a can't take down my cross until the day after Easter, I just might want to take a picture of it. The biggest question...can I remember to tell Ed before he takes it down next year?
What a love he and all!!! You should see how fast he takes down the Christmas tree...I've never been sad about that.
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Are there any carpets in my house that anyone would like to pottie on? No really, I'm used to it.
Dear family and friends,
Before children we bought a green carpet that we moved around for years. Until I had my green rebellion that is. When we moved back to America from Italy, I was all done with forest green.
Moving over the years carpets have been very necessary, although we've had wall to wall carpet several times, we've also lived on wood, marble, tile, and linoleum.
This carpet became quite infamous. Little did Ed know, but every time I turned around some child seemed to feel the need to urinate on our green carpet. I finally had to tell him so he would let me spend the money to clean it. Once I listed all of our own children, Madeline Porth and several Turner children Ed agreed.
I've not written a ton about this particular subject on my blog, but this has been the year of the dog. The first thing you need to know is I don't really like dogs. I do love my children though, beyond measure.
We got the children a dog last fall and it was a nightmare. It was far worse than having an infant and I don't want everyone who reads this to give me the whole puppy yada yada yada. This was not just a puppy thing. This dog had far more energy than my Wyatt and was quite disturbed by our children. We have four by the way.
The final straw was the day she drew blood from one of our children. The short end to a long story was God gave us an opportunity to give the dog back. The poor owner was still distraught 3 months later after having to give the puppy up and gave us a full refund.
The day after we got back from Thailand Jefferson came running in my room with delight announcing it was the best day of his life because we got a new dog. "No we didn't!" was my quick answer.
Long story short, Annie is still here. She won't be forever but that's another entire blog in and of itself.
So the green carpet now the red carpet problem. The one thing I would have done differently in the year of the dog is ROLL UP MY CARPETS.
Alas, I didn't...SIGH.
This week I've had them cleaned and once they are completely dry we are rolling them up until there is no dog in this house. I have them draped over our two tables. Annie hasn't tinkled in the house for weeks on end so she's really doing well. Poop-a whole other story.
I've pretty much fixed the poop problem though. You see, it wasn't really Annie's problem, it was my children's problem. Once I made it THEIR problem, well, it was pretty much fixed.
I made an announcement two weeks ago that if it was my fault or Annie's fault I would cheerfully clean it up. Past that, I was done. They've been MUCH more careful since then.
So this morning when I walked in the library to such a foul smell I was a little surprised and not very happy. I knew it wasn't my fault. Caroline said, "No Mom, Daddy let Annie out." "Well either way, she pooped on my carpet on TOP of the table!" I whispered. Okay, I did not whisper this, but I didn't fully yell either. This dog can jump, but seriously, she's never jumped on top of the table, much less on top of the table to poop on my carpet.
Long story short...a cat crept in last night when Wyatt came into the house from the tent to use the pottie and decided it would join Wyatt...ON TOP OF MY TABLE! Here I am trying so hard to get my carpets clean and a strange cat comes in and soils it.
I did have to laugh, but I can hardly wait to roll them up, put them away, and protect them! Some days life feels hard, but it never feels dull...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Before children we bought a green carpet that we moved around for years. Until I had my green rebellion that is. When we moved back to America from Italy, I was all done with forest green.
Moving over the years carpets have been very necessary, although we've had wall to wall carpet several times, we've also lived on wood, marble, tile, and linoleum.
This carpet became quite infamous. Little did Ed know, but every time I turned around some child seemed to feel the need to urinate on our green carpet. I finally had to tell him so he would let me spend the money to clean it. Once I listed all of our own children, Madeline Porth and several Turner children Ed agreed.
I've not written a ton about this particular subject on my blog, but this has been the year of the dog. The first thing you need to know is I don't really like dogs. I do love my children though, beyond measure.
We got the children a dog last fall and it was a nightmare. It was far worse than having an infant and I don't want everyone who reads this to give me the whole puppy yada yada yada. This was not just a puppy thing. This dog had far more energy than my Wyatt and was quite disturbed by our children. We have four by the way.
The final straw was the day she drew blood from one of our children. The short end to a long story was God gave us an opportunity to give the dog back. The poor owner was still distraught 3 months later after having to give the puppy up and gave us a full refund.
The day after we got back from Thailand Jefferson came running in my room with delight announcing it was the best day of his life because we got a new dog. "No we didn't!" was my quick answer.
Long story short, Annie is still here. She won't be forever but that's another entire blog in and of itself.
So the green carpet now the red carpet problem. The one thing I would have done differently in the year of the dog is ROLL UP MY CARPETS.
Alas, I didn't...SIGH.
This week I've had them cleaned and once they are completely dry we are rolling them up until there is no dog in this house. I have them draped over our two tables. Annie hasn't tinkled in the house for weeks on end so she's really doing well. Poop-a whole other story.
I've pretty much fixed the poop problem though. You see, it wasn't really Annie's problem, it was my children's problem. Once I made it THEIR problem, well, it was pretty much fixed.
I made an announcement two weeks ago that if it was my fault or Annie's fault I would cheerfully clean it up. Past that, I was done. They've been MUCH more careful since then.
So this morning when I walked in the library to such a foul smell I was a little surprised and not very happy. I knew it wasn't my fault. Caroline said, "No Mom, Daddy let Annie out." "Well either way, she pooped on my carpet on TOP of the table!" I whispered. Okay, I did not whisper this, but I didn't fully yell either. This dog can jump, but seriously, she's never jumped on top of the table, much less on top of the table to poop on my carpet.
Long story short...a cat crept in last night when Wyatt came into the house from the tent to use the pottie and decided it would join Wyatt...ON TOP OF MY TABLE! Here I am trying so hard to get my carpets clean and a strange cat comes in and soils it.
I did have to laugh, but I can hardly wait to roll them up, put them away, and protect them! Some days life feels hard, but it never feels dull...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Your children are where?
Dear family and friends,
Three out of four of our children are THRILLED to be sleeping in the yard tonight. It doesn't take much to delight. I'm starting to wonder if that's a spiritual gift, because if it is, our precious children have it. I SO LOVE THEM FOR THAT...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Three out of four of our children are THRILLED to be sleeping in the yard tonight. It doesn't take much to delight. I'm starting to wonder if that's a spiritual gift, because if it is, our precious children have it. I SO LOVE THEM FOR THAT...
Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What's a break anyway?
Dear family and friends,
When we ended up on a last minute trip to New Zealand I announced to the children that the trip would be our spring break. When we got home they jumped in and pumped as they weren't interested in missing our appointed "break".
Today we spent the day at the beach and Friday we're going to spend the day at the pool with Daddy. The other three days are "catch up" here and there for them and "work hard and as fast as I can" for me doing all the things that don't always get done.
New Zealand...I guess that's where I left off. It was amazing, surreal, and delightful. The country side, the freshness, and particularly the company. I do wish we could figure out how to leave sin home when we go on vacation. Since that won't be possible until the other side of heaven, we just take along a great heap of grace and forgiveness. I do have pictures on my facebook page for anyone who would like to see them.
Now I'm back to planning for London, enjoying Hawaii, being in God's Word, and raising these sweet children with my dear husband.
God's doing many things in my heart these days...
Oh, oh, oh...and I get to see my parents at the end of May!!! This is the longest I've ever gone without seeing them. It's been okay as it was just God's plan this go around, but now that I know they are coming...I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!
Love to all!
In Him,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-I am taking a break from cooking this week. All four children are assigned a night!
When we ended up on a last minute trip to New Zealand I announced to the children that the trip would be our spring break. When we got home they jumped in and pumped as they weren't interested in missing our appointed "break".
Today we spent the day at the beach and Friday we're going to spend the day at the pool with Daddy. The other three days are "catch up" here and there for them and "work hard and as fast as I can" for me doing all the things that don't always get done.
New Zealand...I guess that's where I left off. It was amazing, surreal, and delightful. The country side, the freshness, and particularly the company. I do wish we could figure out how to leave sin home when we go on vacation. Since that won't be possible until the other side of heaven, we just take along a great heap of grace and forgiveness. I do have pictures on my facebook page for anyone who would like to see them.
Now I'm back to planning for London, enjoying Hawaii, being in God's Word, and raising these sweet children with my dear husband.
God's doing many things in my heart these days...
Oh, oh, oh...and I get to see my parents at the end of May!!! This is the longest I've ever gone without seeing them. It's been okay as it was just God's plan this go around, but now that I know they are coming...I CAN HARDLY WAIT!!!!
Love to all!
In Him,
Dinah for The Troops
P.S.-I am taking a break from cooking this week. All four children are assigned a night!
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