Dear family and friends,
When we lived in Colorado I was feeling quite overwhelmed the second Thanksgiving that we were there. This was the first year I was homeschooling three children, Jefferson had arrived and was now part of our daily mix, and I had the privilege of leadership in BSF. My plate was quite full, yet with great things that God had called me to.
Ed was teaching our Sunday School class and we were being very blessed by this endeavor. We’d signed up to provide a meal for a family as a class. The day before Thanksgiving Ed and I, along with a gentleman from our class, were going to deliver the meal along with some other goodies. Everyone had their part and people were bringing things over. Ed actually came home early which was a small miracle in and of itself. I was ready to put my man to work, but withheld as he was so enjoying our children. After quite a bit of Daddy time I asked if he could stop and help me. Of course he was ready to pitch in but needed to go get out of his uniform. Right after he changed the phone rang. This is where I felt that my day started rolling downhill quickly.
The call was from work. Uniform back on, and out the door he went.
Right after he left I received two different phone calls, both from families from our Sunday School. One had an emergency and couldn’t help in the way they had intended. The other just called and announced that they had forgotten and didn’t have time. So the pressure was on. I was quickly trying to figure out what I needed to fill in and what did I have in my pantry so I wouldn’t have to trudge to the store with the millions of people who were just starting to plan and purchase their Thanksgiving dinners. Ed called back and said the world needed him and he wouldn’t be home until late. We were having company over the next day and I had been planning on our teamwork that evening as I’d been homeschooling all week. It also brought up the issue of now I was going to have to go alone with the other gentleman to deliver the meal. It wasn’t appropriate to take the children and I don’t normally hang out with other men without my husband. So now I also needed childcare for four darling children on the eve of Thanksgiving. I’m sure the baby was teething, Wyatt hit someone, the toilet overflowed, and a gallon of milk was spilled upon my kitchen floor all at the same time.
So, what’s a girl to do? Call her mother of course. I was clearly looking for a “Oh baby” but God had something much better. Mom was home with a listening ear for which I was grateful. I poured out my afternoon with a few tears mixed in as I explained the stress I was feeling and all the decisions and challenges that laid ahead. After I had put it all on the table my mother responded, “Oh Dinah I was studying this morning (God’s Word) and reading a commentary and this just all reminds me of what I was absorbing today. What a wonderful opportunity to trust God!” I don’t think I heard another word. You’ve got to be kidding? I’m feeling like I’m dying here and you’re telling me you are thrilled that God has given me this opportunity.
Next I called my sweet friend Ginny. She wasn’t any more help. Instead of “Oh baby” she said, “Oh Dinah, to have a mother who would point you to truth, that’s wonderful!”
Now I’m telling you I wasn’t feeling wonderful at all. After inviting and being rejected by both people who I wanted to come to my pity party I was deeply convicted to turn where I should have gone in the first place. Jesus was so faithful to me that night. When I went to bed, although exhausted, everything had been taken care off. God had provided, and I had had a wonderful opportunity to trust God.
The ironic thing about the whole situation was it was just preparation. God knew what was coming and He wanted me to have the opportunity to be prepared. In January we quickly found ourselves preparing for a move, needing to sell our house in San Antonio, refinancing our house in Colorado, finding a new house to live in for our next assignment, and needing renters for our house in Colorado. Of course this was all accomplished while the baby was teething, Wyatt was hitting someone, the toilet was overflowing, while a gallon of milk was spilled upon my kitchen floor.
“What a wonderful opportunity to trust God” became my battle cry. That spring it just seemed life continued to pour out moment after moment and we even laughed as we saw another opportunity to trust Him fly around the corner. It has been such a blessing to my life and six years later--often, not always--I even respond with this first in my heart, rather than feeling stressed or frustrated. We all know that is Jesus in my life...
Love in Christ,