Friday, November 21, 2008

How long is a week?

Dear family and friends,

How long is a week? Well, this time it's been really long. A great opportunity to trust God!

The moment Ed flew out of town, everything seemed to explode: The children, the puppy, the renters, you name it.

But, it has been a good week to cry out to God. It's been a good week to seek Him. Do I really need Him more on some weeks than others, or am I just more aware that I need Him? We know the answer now don't we.

My sheets are clean and towels are clean and I'm so ready for my man to come home! I hope you've had opportunities to trust Him too...

Love in Christ,
Dinah for The Troops

Eddie come home!!!!

Scroll back down to my last post as I added a few pictures. I can't add my favorites until my love comes back.